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- Registration/order form for the LhA package
- ---------------------------------------------
- Name: ____________________________________________________________
- Address: ____________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________
- Country: __________________
- EMail: ____________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________
- KickStart version: _____ CPU: 680____
- Comments (use additional sheets if necessary) _______________________
- _________________________________________________________________
- _________________________________________________________________
- _________________________________________________________________
- _________________________________________________________________
- I am sending my contribution of: (Please tick as appropriate).
- _ _ _
- |_| SEK 100 |_| US$ 20 |_| 25 IRCs
- For the full LhA registration including one mailing only.
- For details on payment see below.
- Total donation: SEK ____ / US$ ____ / ____ IRC'S
- Method of payment:
- _ _ _
- |_| Enclosed Cash |_| Giro |_| Postal Money Order
- _ _ _
- |_| EuroCheque |_| IRC |_| Other: ___________________
- I have read the license and distribution details, and agree with
- them.
- _____________________ _____________________________________________
- (Date) (Signature)
- ------------------------------> CUT HERE <---------------------------------
- Please send this form and any postal money order, IRCs or bills to:
- +----------------------+
- |SWEDEN: |
- +----------------------+
- |Swedish Crowns (SEK) |
- |US Dollars (US$) |
- | +-------------------+
- | Before Nov. 1st: After Nov. 1st: |
- | |
- |Stefan Boberg Stefan Boberg |
- |Rydsv. 242 A:25 Tynne Bj÷rke |
- |S-58251 Link÷ping S-62023 Romakloster |
- | |
- +------------------------------------------+
- Due to too much net traffic and lost EMail - DON'T SEND THIS BY EMAIL!
- When LhA V2.00 is released, there will be LhA support centres in USA,
- Germany, Australia and Sweden. These will then handle local registrations
- and support BBS'es. Details will be in the V2.00 documentation.
- Here's some guidelines on choosing payment method:
- - SEK / US$ Bills of any kind are gladly accepted. No other currencies
- are accepted. Putting bills in letters is quite safe, but remember to
- put enough paper in the envelope so that the bill cannot be easily
- spotted simply by using a lamp. If you want to be extra sure use
- registered mail. This is probably the cheapest and easiest way of
- paying the fee.
- - EuroCheques are accepted, but they must be in SEK and the benificiary
- should be `Stefan Boberg'. BEWARE: Don't forget the card number at the
- back of the cheque. The cheque is absolutely worthless without it.
- - Please, only *INTERNATIONAL* Postal Money orders in SEK can be cashed.
- *NO* other money orders are useful.
- - If you cannot get any SEK or US$ you can use IRC's. These can be
- bought at your local post office.
- - Bank Drafts are expensive to cash (costs me SEK 30). Don't use them.
- - *NO* national cheques can be accepted. Since I cannot cash foreign
- checks or money without having to pay substantial fees to the bank.
- - Swedish residents can use PostGiro 629 22 84-4. Foreign transfers
- via PostGiro cost _me_ 25SEK, so add 25SEK to the fee if you pay
- this way (= 125 SEK).
- (As of this writing (August 1991), one US Dollar is ~= 5.14 SEK)
- Please allow 2-8 weeks for delivery.
- NOTE: During spring/early summer 1992 I could not deliver on time to
- everybody, so this time frame was exceeded, but now I have more time
- and should be able to ship within a week after the order has arrived at my
- place. My sincere apologies to those who had to wait a very long time.
- ==========================================================================